Homebrew Theater: Dual-Wielding Actions

Today’s going to be a bit different from previous weeks, as our Homebrew Theater will be custom actions.

No new gear or shotguns shells as we’ve been doing.

I wanted to expand the options for ranged dual-wielding. These actions effectively turn two guns into one gun with a higher fire rate. Both guns must be firing in the same mode for these actions. If a character doesn’t have ambidexterity, the -2 penalty for using the off-hand applies. If both guns have active smartlink systems and are wireless-active, you may apply the bonus to limit/dice pool. The same applies for laser sights. All actions can be combined with the Multiple Attacks Free action and split as usual.

Note: I remember reading in SR5 saying you don’t get smartlink/laser sight bonuses when firing two weapons at once. I’ve been unable to verify this. Check with your GM, though, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable house rule to let the bonuses apply here.

Rather than trying to track two targets at once this is sighting one target with two weapons. A task smartlink should improve.

If a character chooses to wield two different weapons, use the worse values for limits, damage, and AP.

Dual Shot: Single Shot, Complex Action

You fire one shot from each gun in your hands at the same target simultaneously. As with regular single shot, this takes no recoil penalty. The target of a Dual Shot takes a -1 penalty on defense.

Dual Semi-auto Burst: SA, Compex Action

You fire a 3 round burst with each gun at the same target. This turns your SA pistols the effectiveness of a long burst with the same penalties. You fire six shots for up to -6 recoil and -5 to your target’s defense test.

Dual Burst Fire burst: BF, Simple Action

You fire a 3 round burst with each gun at the same target. This lets you get the firepower of a Long Burst in a shorter amount of time. You fire six shots for up to -6 recoil and -5 to your target’s defense test.

Dual Long Burst: BF, Complex Action

This shot is two Burst-fire shots coming from both of your guns at one target. You fire 12 total shots and the target takes a -11 to the target’s defense test.

Dual Full Auto: FA, Complex Action

This is balls to the wall shooting for only the most expert shooters. 20 bullets total at one target racking up a -19 penalty to the target’s defense and a -20 recoil penalty to dice pool. A shooter attempting dual full Auto must have at least 1 die to actually aim with, or else they suffer the effects of a critical glitch.

Steal me!

A quick table